Saturday, June 8, 2019

Create an ASP.NET Core web app in Azure

Create an ASP.NET Core web app in Azure

according to

  • 4 minutes to read
  • Note
    This article deploys an app to App Service on Windows. To deploy to App Service on Linux, see Create a .NET Core web app in App Service on Linux.
    Azure App Service provides a highly scalable, self-patching web hosting service. This quickstart shows how to deploy your first ASP.NET Core web app to Azure App Service. When you're finished, you'll have a resource group that consists of an App Service plan and an App Service app with a deployed web application.

    If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free account before you begin.


    To complete this tutorial, install Visual Studio 2017 with the ASP.NET and web development workload.
    If you've installed Visual Studio 2017 already:
    • Install the latest updates in Visual Studio by clicking Help > Check for Updates.
    • Add the workload by clicking Tools > Get Tools and Features.

    Create an ASP.NET Core web app

    In Visual Studio, create a project by selecting File > New > Project.
    In the New Project dialog, select Visual C# > Web > ASP.NET Core Web Application.
    Name the application myFirstAzureWebApp, and then select OK.
    New Project dialog box
    You can deploy any type of ASP.NET Core web app to Azure. For this quickstart, select the Web Application template, and make sure authentication is set to No Authentication and no other option is selected.
    Select OK.
    New ASP.NET Project dialog box
    From the menu, select Debug > Start without Debugging to run the web app locally.
    Run app locally

    Launch the publish wizard

    In the Solution Explorer, right-click the myFirstAzureWebApp project and select Publish.
    Publish from Solution Explorer
    The publish wizard is automatically launched. Select App Service > Publish to open the Create App Service dialog.
    Publish from project overview page

    Sign in to Azure

    In the Create App Service dialog, click Add an account, and sign in to your Azure subscription. If you're already signed in, select the account you want from the dropdown.
    If you're already signed in, don't select Create yet.
    Sign in to Azure

    Create a resource group

    A resource group is a logical container into which Azure resources like web apps, databases, and storage accounts are deployed and managed. For example, you can choose to delete the entire resource group in one simple step later.
    Next to Resource Group, select New.
    Name the resource group myResourceGroup and select OK.

    Create an App Service plan

    An App Service plan specifies the location, size, and features of the web server farm that hosts your app. You can save money when hosting multiple apps by configuring the web apps to share a single App Service plan.
    App Service plans define:
    • Region (for example: North Europe, East US, or Southeast Asia)
    • Instance size (small, medium, or large)
    • Scale count (1 to 20 instances)
    • SKU (Free, Shared, Basic, Standard, or Premium)
    Next to Hosting Plan, select New.
    In the Configure Hosting Plan dialog, use the settings in the table following the screenshot.
    Create App Service plan
    SettingSuggested ValueDescription
    App Service PlanmyAppServicePlanName of the App Service plan.
    LocationWest EuropeThe datacenter where the web app is hosted.
    SizeFreePricing tier determines hosting features.
    Select OK.

    Create and publish the web app

    In App Name, type a unique app name (valid characters are a-z, 0-9, and -), or accept the automatically generated unique name. The URL of the web app is http://<app_name>, where <app_name> is your app name.
    Select Create to start creating the Azure resources.
    Configure app name
    Once the wizard completes, it publishes the ASP.NET Core web app to Azure, and then launches the app in the default browser.
    Published ASP.NET web app in Azure
    The app name specified in the create and publish step is used as the URL prefix in the format http://<app_name>
    Congratulations, your ASP.NET Core web app is running live in Azure App Service.

    Update the app and redeploy

    From the Solution Explorer, open Pages/Index.cshtml.
    Replace the two <div> tags with the following code:
    <div class="jumbotron">
        <h1>ASP.NET in Azure!</h1>
        <p class="lead">This is a simple app that we’ve built that demonstrates how to deploy a .NET app to Azure App Service.</p>
    To redeploy to Azure, right-click the myFirstAzureWebApp project in Solution Explorer and select Publish.
    In the publish summary page, select Publish. Visual Studio publish summary page
    When publishing completes, Visual Studio launches a browser to the URL of the web app.
    Updated ASP.NET web app in Azure

    Manage the Azure app

    Go to the Azure portal to manage the web app.
    From the left menu, select App Services, and then select the name of your Azure app.
    Portal navigation to Azure app
    You see your web app's Overview page. Here, you can perform basic management tasks like browse, stop, start, restart, and delete.
    App Service blade in Azure portal
    The left menu provides different pages for configuring your app.

    Clean up resources

    In the preceding steps, you created Azure resources in a resource group. If you don't expect to need these resources in the future, you can delete them by deleting the resource group.
    From the left menu in the Azure portal, select Resource groups and then select myResourceGroup.
    On the resource group page, make sure that the listed resources are the ones you want to delete.
    Select Delete, type myResourceGroup in the text box, and then select Delete.

    Next steps

    IT Consultant

    Friday, June 7, 2019

    Uninstall Office for Mac

    Uninstall Office for Mac

    according to

    You can easily uninstall Office for Mac apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and Outlook using these instructions. You must be signed in as an administrator on the Mac or provide an administrator name and password to complete these steps.
    You must be signed in as an administrator on the Mac or provide an administrator name and password to complete these steps.

    Remove Office for Mac applications

    1. Open Finder > Applications.
    2. Command COMMAND +click to select all of the Office for Mac applications.
    3. Ctrl+click an application you selected and click Move to Trash.
      Move the Office apps to the trash

    Remove files from your user Library folder

    1. In Finder, press COMMAND +Shift+g.
    2. In the window that opens, enter ~/Library and then click Go.
    3. Open the Containers folder and ctrl+click each of these folders and Move to Trash. Note that some of these folders may not be present.
    4. Warning: Outlook data will be removed when you move the three folders listed in this step to Trash. You should back up these folders before you delete them.
      Click the back arrow to go back to the Library folder and open Group Containers. Ctrl+click each of these folders if present, and Move to Trash.
      • UBF8T346G9.Office
      • UBF8T346G9.OfficeOsfWebHost

    Remove from Dock and restart

    1. If you put any of the Office applications in your Dock, go to each one and ctrl + click > Options > Remove from Dock.
      Remove from dock
    2. Restart your Mac to complete the uninstall.

    Sunday, June 2, 2019

    Office 365 – Nonprofit Cloud Subscription Canada

    Office 365 – Nonprofit Cloud Subscription Canada

    As per:


    Eligible nonprofits and charities can receive discounted subscriptions to Office 365 through TechSoup Canada. 
    Click GET THIS OFFER to get started.
    You don't need to add anything to your TechSoup Canada cart or go through the TechSoup Canada checkout process.

    What Is Office 365?

    Office 365 provides you and your staff with
    • The latest Office desktop applications for PC and Mac and apps for mobile devices (certain subscriptions only)
    • Cloud-based access to Office applications
    • Hosted email and calendars with Exchange Online
    • Instant messaging and web and video conferencing through Skype for Business
    • Access to your documents from anywhere with OneDrive for Business
    • More, depending on the subscription plan
    See the Subscription Options tab for prices and subscription information.

    How Can My Organization Benefit from Using Office 365?

    Learn about Office Web Apps, hosted email, document sharing, and other benefits provided by Office 365 in this TechSoup article: What You Need to Know About Microsoft Office 365 Nonprofit.
    You can also download a free Office 365 e-book to learn more about how nonprofits can use cloud services.

    How Much Does Office 365 Cost?

    There are both donated and discounted plans available, depending on your needs. See the Subscription Options tab for prices and subscription information.

    What Are the System Requirements for Office 365?

    See Microsoft's System requirements for Office page. The requirements are listed under "Office 365 plans for business, education, and government."

    Subscription Options

    Office 365 Nonprofit Business Essentials
    • Most suitable for small and mid-sized nonprofits with up to 300 users that do not need Office desktop applications
    • Provides cloud-based access to Office applications, email, instant messaging, HD video conferencing, and 1 TB personal file storage and sharing
    • Does not include Office desktop applications
    Office 365 Nonprofit Business Premium

    • Most suitable for small and mid-sized nonprofits with up to 300 users that need Office desktop applications
    • Office desktop applications for PC and Mac included, with apps for tablets and phones
    • Includes all features of Business Essentials plan plus additional features and services
    Office 365 Nonprofit E1
    • Most suitable for small and mid-sized nonprofits with up to 300 users that do not need Office desktop applications
    • Provides cloud-based access to Office applications, email, instant messaging, HD video conferencing, and 1 TB personal file storage and sharing
    • Does not include Office desktop applications
    Office 365 Nonprofit E3

    • Most suitable for large nonprofits with more than 300 users that need Office desktop applications
    • Office desktop applications for PC and Mac included, with apps for tablets and phones
    • Includes all features of E1 plan plus data protection and other services
    Office 365 Nonprofit E5

    • Most suitable for large nonprofits with more than 300 users that need Office desktop applications
    • Office desktop applications for PC and Mac included, with apps for tablets and phones
    • Includes all features of E3 plan plus advanced security and other services

    IT Consultant

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