Follow the steps below to host an MobileAppDev Enterprise app on your own website. Important: These steps will have to be repeated with each new “store” update of the app.
Hosting the iOS app
  1. Download the .ipa, .plist, icon and icon512 files belonging to your Enterprise app. Based on the app number, you will be able to download these assets from the following links: 
    - http://apps. 
    - http://apps. appnumber/appnumber.plist 
    - http://apps. appnumber/Icon.png 
    - http://apps. appnumber/Icon512.png
  2. Open the .plist and adjust the three url’s for respectively the .ipa, icon.png and icon512.png to links on your own domain.
  3. Host the .ipa file as mimetype octetstream and the.plist as mimetype plain text on a page of your choice.
  4. Make sure that the download button of your app on the download page refers to the .plist file in the following manner: itms-services://?action=downloadmanifest&url=domein/appnummer.plist
Hosting the Android app
  1. Download the .apk file of your Enterprise app. Based on the app number, you will be able to download these assets from the following link: 
    - http://apps.  
  2. Host the .apk as mimetype octetstream on a page of your choice. 
  3. Make sure that the download button of your app on the download page refers to the location of the .apk file.
NOTE: If you have already installed the same iOS app before from another domain, you will have to remove the app from your device completely before installing it again from the current domain. This will prevent issues during installation.
Making changes to the app
When you have made changes in your app, you will be able to view these changes directly in the Previewer app. When you are satisfied with these changes, you can publish the changes to your live app by hitting the “Update your app” button on the publish page of your app in MobileAppDev.
Please note that a store update might be required when you’ve adjusted information on the publish page of your app, or when you’ve added new functionality to your app.

What if a store update is required?

When publishing an update to your app, the wizard might indicate that a store update is required. Obviously your Enterprise will not have to be re-submitted to the store, but it will have to be built by us with the latest version of our code.

The process will go as follows:
  1. A store update was triggered for your app.
  2. MobileAppDev will build a new version of your app and place it on the appsite:
    Note: If you have a no-branding app, this appsite will be disabled. You can still navigate to the links in the explanation above regarding the hosting of your iOS and Android app.  
  3. You will be notified by us when the new version of your app is available. 
  4. Repeat the steps for hosting your iOS and Android app described earlier, to host the latest version of your app on your own domain.