Friday, October 18, 2019

Microsoft Digital Partner of Record (DPOR)

Microsoft Digital Partner of Record (DPOR)

Digital Partner of Record associates servicing partners to a Microsoft cloud subscription. It is an on-line capability to attach a partner to a customer’s Microsoft on-line subscription. DPOR benefits the customer, the partner, and Microsoft. Partners can qualify for competencies and incentives by being the DPOR and enables them to help customers optimize their usage for desired business outcomes.
  • Partners must be added as the DPOR each time a new subscription is sold, regardless of whether their customer is new or existing.
  • Microsoft policy is that only the customer can designate a DPOR for their subscriptions.
If you are providing your customer with the key support and lifecycle services for their cloud subscription(s), make sure you are designated as their DPOR. Explore the resources on this site and work with your customers to attach you as their DPOR for each Microsoft Office 365, CRM Online, Dynamics 365, AX7, Microsoft Intune, EMS, and Azure subscription you actively manage.

Guide to attaching a DPOR

There are multiple ways to attach a partner of record to the Microsoft Azure subscription. Customer can add a partner either through the Azure Account Administrator page or Azure Subscription Administrator page.
Azure Account Administrator page or Azure Subscription Administrator page.

add a partner through Azure Subscription Administrator page

Additionally, partners can now initiate the DPOR attach process with the customer by generating a quick link. Here are the steps:
  1. Identify subscription GUID and the Virtual Organisation MPN partner ID that need to be associated
  2. Enter both IDs into the below URL format
  3. Email the URL to the subscription admin or subscription contributor
  4. Subscription Admin or Subscription Contributor click on the link and are brought to the following page
  5. The partner ID has already been entered and validated
  6. Subscription Admin or Subscription Contributor click “save partner”
  7. DPOR has been added
    Syntax GUID/partnerId/PARTNERID
As part of the Partner Initiated – Quick Link method, a sample email that the partner can send to the customer has been prepared. A full Word version is available under the Customer Guide to Attaching a Digital Partner of Record for Azure.

Partner Association

Partner Association allows recognition for work being done by partners who are not the DPOR:
  • Transacting partners reported in Microsoft internal sales systems
  • Partners who are granted Delegated Admin Privileges (DAP) by customers

Partner Association Guide for Partners

This deck provides an overview of Partner Association capabilities, including Digital Partner of Record, for Microsoft Office 365, CRM Online, Intune, EMS, and Azure and step-by-step guidance you can use to help your customers add you as a partner for their cloud subscriptions. Download the Partner Association Guide for Partners

Offer Delegated Administration

Partners who are certified to offer delegated administration can request their customers to authorize them as a delegated administrator. With Delegated Admin Privileges (DAP), partners can administer an organization’s account on behalf of a client, and can perform tasks such as adding users, resetting passwords, and adding domains. To get customer approval for DAP, partners first need to send them an offer for delegated administration. This can be included with a trial invitation or purchase offer, or can be offered to the customer at a later time.
There are ongoing enhancements to this process, with a sharp focus on partner experience. Learn more by watching the MPN 101 DPOR call with Leah Childress, on-demand or by visiting
If you have questions, register for the next MPN 101 call about Partner Association.

Additional support

If your customers have any problems or questions about this process and the ability to assign, maintain, and change and remove their Partner of Record:
  • For Office 365, CRM Online, Dynamics 365, AX7, Intune or EMS, they can click the Support link on the left navigation pane of the Office 365 admin portal screen to get access to Technical and Billing support and to find support options and recommendations.
  • For Azure, please reach out to Support by using the following link

Contact Microsoft Partner Support
Are you a Microsoft Partner and need help from Microsoft Support? Get support from Microsoft’s own experts. They can help with partner program issues, presales assistance, issues with Microsoft products, billing questions, and more. Start here to view your Microsoft support options.

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