Wednesday, October 28, 2020

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The Carbonator - Fred Carbone

His name is The Carbonator. He’s got it all, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nortrils, 1 mouth, 2 hands and 10 fingers! See for yourself.


After decades of silence, the legendary Carbonator comes back with energizing power. The Carbonator accumulated many more skills and is ready to share it all with the citizens of planet earth.

Carbonator – 

  • Musician
  • Song writer
  • DJ
  • Music producer
  • Recording engineer
  • Cinematic composing
  • Virtual symphonic orchestration

Music biography:

Born in Arizona, USA, and raised in Montreal, Canada, the Carbonator, AKA Fred Carbone, started his musical journey when he was 5, his parents encouraged him to take piano lessons with a blind teacher but it lasted a little while. A few years later he had saxophone lessons with a professional musician and church member, during 4 years he developed much better musical skills. When his parents divorced around the age of 13, he traded his saxophone for an electric guitar and continued learning music on his own, playing the music he loved, until age 24, when he tried pursuing studies for a while at a classical private college and with a famous jazz bassist, but it was getting impossible as life getting in the way, with 2 new born babies, full-time school and working night-shifts as DJ Carbone in lounge bars, playing Trip-hop and various Electronic dance and chill music, which was great fun and experience. He had a passion from the heart, music was a necessity, despite the challenges he persisted studying on his own and also with other famous musicians much later on.

Since a young age he’s been loving and playing all sorts of music styles and it always been so, from Classical, Jazz, Blues, Country, Soul, Gospel, Reggae, Dub, Ska, Funk, Disco, Pop, Rock, Punk, Metal, Progressive, Alternative, Grunge, Rap, Hip hop, Reggaeton, House, Techno, Breakbeat, Hardcore, Drum and bass. He first became interested in electronic music in the 80’s when he landed his first needle on a vinyl around the age of 10. Much much later, at age 24, EDM was getting mainstream and he bought his first set of decks, he wanted to become a DJ, but he quickly realized it wasn’t going to be easy and crowds don’t lie ever, if you suck you will hear booing, so he practiced and practiced endless hours to finally master the art of DJ’ing to a next level. At the age of 26, he was already being touted by several major night clubs to become their main DJ simultaneously. These opportunities opened some top secret doors to a unique musical experience for the artist, in a mysterious underground world and a very rare access to some content that is influencing his unique creativity to this day. In 1999, he achieved his big break when Carbonator realized he was in the game, the crowd was going insane and everyone was having an amazing time, a club manager was pleased with the results and baptized him the Carbonator, singing “His name is the Carbonator”. So that’s where the name comes from, a mix of DJ Carbone and the character the Terminator, DJ Carbonator always coming up with dynamic and energetic surprising killer mixes. It is at that point he started playing and leading at big events and packing these night clubs at full capacity week after week. His name was made, his name is the Carbonator, the chemistry was perfect, it was the bomb, great entertainment, and great fun, great music and forever memorable crowd experiences.

After 10 years of successful gigs, he suddenly disappeared to balance his personal life, found God again and worked on his relationship with the Father and Creator of music, and remained silent for a long long time, but never stopped loving music, as it always has been a necessity in his life. Music became confidential and he didn’t expose or share much with the world for that period. However, during this period in silence, he developed additional music and professional skills as far as it concerns music in general. The Carbonator – Fred Carbone the musician, DJ, music producer, song writer, recording engineer, has also added cinematic composing, virtual symphonic orchestration and business skills. 

After receiving several offers, Carbonator now joined NexG Productions, who is helping distribute his next music releases. Carbonator is determined and perseverant and since 2019 has been locked in the studio perfecting his craft developing several projects.

Suffice to say, the music scene should be expecting big things from the Carbonator in the years to come.

CARBONATOR – My first video SMART TIP of the day

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