Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Certificate Installation: WHM/cPanel 11

Certificate Installation: WHM/cPanel 11

1. Login to the cPanel 'Control Panel'

2. Click SSL/TLS Manager under the Security section.

3. Click on Generate, view, upload or delete SSL Certificates in the 'Certificates' section.

4. Import Domain/End Entity Certificate.

a. Copy and Paste the contents of 'yourDomainName.crt' into the text box labeled 'Paste the crt below' in the 'Upload a New Certificate' section.
- or - 
b. Click 'Browse' and navigate to 'yourDomainName.crt' and then click 'Upload'.

5. Click Go Back.

6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Return to SSL Manager.

7. Click on Setup a SSL Certificate to work with your site.

8. Select the domain you are using from the Domain drop-down menu. The system will attempt to fetch the SSL Certificate and Private Key for you.
Note: You do have the option to copy and paste these files into their appropriate boxes at this time.

9. In the box labled CA Bundle, paste the contents of the CA Bundle file that was provided.

cPanel11 CA Bundle

Note: If you did not receive a ca-bundle file, you may download one from our Root & Intermediate Certificates section of our Downloads area. Please download the one that corresponds to the certificate that you have. If you are unsure, please contact support.

10. Click on Install Certificate.

The certificate is now added to your server and assigned to the domain.

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