Monday, February 19, 2018

Mobile app Forms

Mobile app Forms

Forms are a type of List that contains various different input related components that can interact with your data. The Form Component will drag over a form with some default components, but you can feel free to drag over any of our related components to start a new form.

Form Components

There are a variety of components that you can use to build your form, check out the documentation for each one:

Working with Form Data & $scope

When you're working with forms, you're going to have to do something with the data behind the form. Click here to learn how to use $scope to attach JavaScript variables directly to your form elements.

Working with Form Data

When you're working with form components, chances are you're going to need to get that data into your pages controller and start working with it somehow.

Sometimes you'll need to get that data to a server using an API, or other times you'd just like to perhaps do a calculation.

No matter what you need to do, you'll be binding data between your form and JavaScript controller a lot. This quick video tutorial will show you how to do that 🚀

Wistia video thumbnail - Ionic Creator Tutorials // Working with Form Data

IT Consultant

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