Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Ecwid CSS and Themes Creating your own design theme

If you want to design your store on your own, we can suggest creating your own CSS theme -- a set of CSS rules that determines the look of every visual element in the store (the size, shape, color, and place on a page). You can create your own CSS themes in yourEcwid Control Panel → Settings → Design.
Building a CSS theme from scratch requires knowledge of web design languages such as HTML and CSS. If you are having trouble with a custom CSS theme, we can help. Please fill in this form: Custom design for Ecwid store We will be glad to help you with designing your Ecwid store.

Create your own design theme

You can create your own theme and make your store look absolutely unique. It is totally possible as Ecwid allows you to create your own design theme with the help of CSS. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a special language that is used to define how the site elements should look.

How to find an element in your store?

In creating our own CSS theme we will use classes and IDs that are used in Ecwid.

To understand how to change the look of some element you need to find out what class or ID is has. It is very easy to do it with the help of web-inspector that is present in any browser.
Here is how the web-inspector looks in Chrome. In our screenshot we have selected the “In Stock” label and you can see the class and the rule applying to the label.

Example of how it works

See below the example of how to change an element in your store. Let’s suppose that we want to make all the headings in products descriptions blue. To do it you need to let the browser “know” the following:
- this part of text is a heading
- headings must be blue.

How to change elements?

There is a special language that is used for marking the site pages, it is HTML (HyperText Markup Language). This language allows to use special tags for “telling” the browser what part of text is a heading, what part is a paragraph, what line is a link, etc. A tag for marking the headings is <h1>.

So, we do the following:
- navigate to Ecwid Control Panel > Catalog > Products and create a test product;
- add a text to the product description, putting it between the <h1> and </h1> tags, that will “tell” the browser that this text is a first level heading:
<h1>Nice first heading</h1>
  • navigate to Ecwid Control Panel > Settings > Design > CSS themes
  • create a new theme by clicking “New CSS Theme” button and add a rule that will tell the browser that all the first level headings must be blue:
h1 {
color: #0000ff;
  • h1  is a selector that defines what element the rule applies to 
  • color is a parameter that we are going to change
  • #0000ff is the value of this parameter. In our case it is the color code. You can easily find any color code with the help of special services, e.g. at   
  • Activate the theme, click “Save”.
Now we can open the product page in our store, look at it… Here you go! The product description has a blue heading:
Moreover, all the first level headings in your store will be blue.

An what should we do if we want to make blue not all, but only some of the headings?

There are special classes that are used in CSS for achieving this. Classes are selectors that allow to differentiate similar elements and define different styles for them.

Let’s add one more heading in product description and set a class for it:

<h1>Nice first heading</h1>
<h1 class="pinkheading">Pink heading</h1>

Now we open our custom CSS theme and add a rule for headings with a class “pinkheading”. Classes is CSS look like this: “.class_name”

h1 {
color: #0000ff;
h1.pinkheading {
color: #ff69b4;

Save the changes, open the product page - we have one more heading now and it is pink.
Besides the classes there is one more selector type in CSS, it is ID. IDs are different from classes - the same class can be applied to many elements on a page and one ID applies to just one element.

Let’s add one more heading to a product description and set ID for it:
<h1>Nice first heading</h1>
<h1 class="pinkheading">Pink heading</h1>
<h1 id="orangeheading">Orange heading</h1>
Now we add a corresponding rule to the custom CSS theme in our store. ID in CSS is marked with a #. 

h1#orangeheading {
color: #ffa500;

How do I target my CSS changes to some particular page or pages in Ecwid?

It is possible to apply some CSS rule only to some particular page in Ecwid by changing the selector of the said rule. Please, refer to this article for comprehensive information on that: How to apply CSS changes only to particular pages in Ecwid

Oops. I did something wrong to CSS and messed up my store. How do I revert changes?

Just activate the standard scheme. Your store will look as it did before you made any changes.

Themes from the Ecwid App Market

Last updated 
There are plenty of applications in the Ecwid App Market that can help you customize the look of your online store. Please see below the two apps for changing your theme colors without any coding required.

Store Designer

Store Designer allows you to edit the colors for buttons, text, and background.
In the preview mode you can play with colors until you are satisfied with the result before you apply your new design to the storefront.
The app costs $4.99 USD per month with a 7-day free trial.


Decorator is another cool application, similar to the Store Designer app, but with a few more options.
In the Quick-start mode, that is ideal for beginners, you can easily tweak the main aspects of your online storefront. The Full settings mode is meant for more advanced alternations of colors, fonts, button styles and more.
The app is free to install and try for as long as you like, you’ll only have to pay for the custom designs you make. Before making a purchase, you are able to preview the results of your work on your computer.
Both Decorator and Store Designer apps are available on Ecwid Venture plan and higher. If you’re on a Free plan, please, consider upgrading your account to a paid plan. Upgrade to get this feature

Ecwid CSS Themes Made Easy!

According to
From Youtube

Ecwid CSS Themes Made Easy!

“I have an awesome Ecwid store but I do not know how to make it visually match my brand and needs… How can I do this?”

Ever since I started providing Ecwid tutorials, like how to create your Ecwid store in 5 minutes, I have received requests non-stop for CSS tips. Ecwid is very flexible in the sense that it allows you to customize your store to match your brand. However, without any CSS knowledge, making these changes can become very tedious and frustrating for newbies.
So, here is (almost) everything you need to easily make your store look exactly the way you want it to. All you will need to do is copy and paste a few lines of code to get it the way you want!

Use the following tips and tricks to customize your store for free!

A Quick Intro Video

Video transcript:

Hi, this is Daniella from and today I will show you how to customize the look of your Ecwid store using CSS.
Before I begin, if you dont have an Ecwid account check out this video on how to create an Ecwid store in 5 minutes.
So it is super easy to customize your Ecwid store. All you have to do is open your seller dashboard, head over to Settings > Design > CSS Theme.
You have a few options:
  • You can activate an already available theme (beige or red) or
  • You could edit the beige or red theme by duplicating either one and editing the CSS
  • Or you can create a theme that will be based off of Ecwid’s standard theme.
We are going to make minor changes to the standard theme so I am going to create a “ New CSS Theme.” Rename your theme to whatever you wish.
Now click on this blog post that contains all the CSS codes you need to customize your store.
I am going to change the color and size of the price using this code and a flat design color chooser.

If you are totally new to CSS you may never heard of Color Hexes. Color hexes are codes used to identify a color. Knowing the codes you want is key if you wish to change the colors of your Ecwid store.

Tip: Make sure you activate your theme. You may have to clear your browser cache or open your site in a different browser if changes are not made right away. 

If you didn’t find all the necessary code you need to fully customize your store in my blog post you can find what you need by right clicking on an element you want to modify and choosing “Inspect element.” I am using Chrome but every browser has an option or something similar.
This is where you can find the information on the element you want to modify. You can test it out for fun directly in your browser but you still need to copy/paste this info to Ecwid and to activate it for the changes to be permanent.
If you liked this video dont forget to subscribe.
I am Daniella from
Thanks for watching.

How to Fully Customize YouR Store

Step 1: Create Your Theme

It is super easy to create your custom theme in Ecwid. All you have to do is open your seller dashboard, head over to Settings > Design > CSS Theme.

ecwid themes 2
Tip: Create your new theme based on the theme that looks the most li
ke your brand colors or the colors on your website. If your website is dark, you may wish to use the red theme which uses darker colors. If your website is light, you could use the beige or standard theme as a base to create your custom theme.
ecwid cssCreate new theme: based on the baisic blue theme if you have few changes to make.ecwid themes cssDuplicate: the theme if you wish to make many changes to the look of your store.
Create a new theme by clicking on “ New CSS Theme.” Rename your theme to whatever you wish. Ecwid will use the base theme and make edits depending on the code you add.
New Ecwid Feature for WordPress Users! (2016): If you use the Ecwid Plugin on a WordPress site you can use Ecwid’s new Chameleon skin feature. Chameleon skin will adapt to the design of your theme by detecting predominant colors and fonts. You can enable Chameleon on the “Advanced” tab in the Ecwid plugin settings in your WordPress backend (creating a custom Ecwid WordPress theme).

Step 2: Customizing your Ecwid Theme

You can change, add, remove and edit change many different items using various CSS styles. All you need to do add some CSS code to your active theme. You can add and edit different styles to all of the following labels including: font, font size, color, etc.
If you are totally new to CSS you may never heard of Color Hexes. Color hexes are codes used to identify a color. Knowing the codes you want is key if you wish to change the colors of your Ecwid store. Here are a few resources to know and choose your color hexes:
You can change, add, remove and edit change many different items using various CSS styles. All you need to do add some CSS code to your active theme. You can add and edit different styles to all of the following labels including: font, font size, color, etc.

          How to Change Items

Here are a bunch of codes you can use to change items that appear in your Ecwid store. All you need to do is create a new theme (Settings > Design > CSS Themes > New Theme) and paste the codes you wish to use in your store.
Important: do not forget to replace #FFFFFF (white) with the color codes you want to appear in your store!
ecwid themes

Change the Color of Prices in your Store

div.ecwid-productBrowser-price {color: #FFFFFF; }

Change the “In Stock” Label Color

div.ecwid-productBrowser-details-inStockLabel {
color: #FFFFFF;

Change Border That Appears when you Hover Over a Product

div.ecwid-productBrowser-productsGrid-productTopFragment-mouseover {
border: solid 1px #FFFFFF;
border-bottom: none;
div.ecwid-productBrowser-productsGrid-productBottomFragment-mouseover {
border: solid 1px #FFFFFF;
border-top: none;

Change Default Product and Description Text Size

div.ecwid-productBrowser-details-descr {
color: #FFFFF; 
font-family: "Arial"; 

Change Product Price Font

div.ecwid-productBrowser-price { 
font-size: 20px; 

Change the Text Color of your Product Options

div.ecwid-productBrowser-details-optionPanel label.ecwid-fieldLabel {
 font-weight: bold;
 color: #FFFFFF;

Change the Product Title Hover Color

div.ecwid-productBrowser-productNameLink:hover a {
color: #FFFFFF;}

Change Product Browser category Label Colour (Size, Font…)

div.ecwid-productBrowser-subcategories-categoryName {
font: normal 19px "trebuchet MS", helvetica, verdana, sans-serif;
color: #FFFFFFF;
margin-top: 15px;
text-align: center;

Change Sign in Pop up Background Color

div.ecwid-popup {
border: solid 18px #FFFFFF;
background-color: #FFFFFF;
padding: 5px;

Change Sign in Pop up Header Font or Color

div.ecwid-popup-headLabel {
font: 30px georgia, "times new roman", times, serif;
color: #FFFFFF;
margin: 0 0 12px 0;
min-width: 240px

Change the Position of the Mini-Cart

Change Product Titles

          How to Add Items

Add Drop Shadow Effect to Product Images

.ecwid-productBrowser-productsGrid-productTopFragment img { 
background:transparent url( no-repeat scroll right bottom;
padding:5px 10px 10px 5px; 
.ecwid-productBrowser-details-thumbnail img { 
background:transparent url( no-repeat scroll right bottom; 
padding:15px 20px 20px 15px; 

Add border around products

Add GIFS as product images

Add tabs to product descriptions

Add a sale price view

          How to Remove Items

Remove Delivery Time From Names of Shipping Methods

If you select automatic shipping methods for your products such as Fedex, USPS or UPS, delivery time may also be displayed at checkout. You can hide this information with the following code:
span.ecwid-shippingOption-days, span.ecwid-Invoice-ShippingDetails-transitTime {
display:none !important;

Remove Breadcrumbs

A breadcrumb is a string of links that show your path on a site. On the left you can see an example of a breadcrumb in an Ecwid Store (usually found at the top left of your store). You can remove breadcrumbs with the following code:
div.ecwid-productBrowser-categoryPath {

Remove “Sort By” Drop-Down Menu

div.ecwid-results-topPanel-sortByPanel { 
display:none !important; 

Remove “view as” link

div.ecwid-results-topPanel-viewAsPanel { 
display:none !important; 

Remove category title

div.ecwid-productBrowser-subcategories-categoryName {

Remove the Mini-Cart

div.ecwid-minicart {
display:none !important;

Remove the Tax Line

tr.ecwid-Invoice-Summary-taxRow {
display:none !important;

Remove available quantity

div.ecwid-productBrowser-details-qtyAvailInfo {

Remove Continue Shopping Button

Remove Category Icons from the Store

Remove Cart “Drag and Drop” Text

           How to Edit Buttons

Make Buttons Round

Many Ways to Customize the Continue Shopping Button

Change Buy Now Button

3. Digging Deeper: Find Exactly What you Want to Edit

This video is a recap of the above tutorial but also contains an explanation on how to find and edit exactly what you are looking for if you did not find the options you need here.

Troubleshooting your Ecwid CSS Templates

If you are having issues with your CSS code, check out these tips on Ecwid’s (old) knowledge baseIf ever you are really stuck, all you have to do is activate one of Ecwid’s default themes (Standard, beige or red).If, after following this easy tutorial, you still feel like CSS is too complicated for you, you have the following choices:
  • Leave your store as is with Ecwid’s default standard theme
  • Use another one of Ecwid’s free themes (beige or red)
  • Pay 300$ for a custom theme:
  • Upgrade to an unlimited account and receive 12h of cusomization from Ecwid!

30 Best Ecwid eCommerce Templates

Ecwid is one of the most popular eCommerce plugin that has a flexible environment, so you can also incorporate Joomla, WordPress along with other popular platforms. Producing Ecwid e commerce websites can be a bit challenging. They have to be extremely user-friendly, totally improved for the best consumer experience and have a lot of shopping-friendly features.
Here are 30 regarding the best Ecwid templates for you. We wish that might be the proper Ecwid Template which will fit your needs just right.


mentalpress therapy, counseling medical wp
MentalPress is reasonably limited WordPress Theme for psychiatrists. It’s our most advanced and sophisticated theme we built up to now. It is extremely easy to setup and use, with one click demo content import.
  • Designer: ProteusThemes
  • Compatible: WooCommerce 2.4.x / WooCommerce 2.3.x / Ecwid / Bootstrap 3.x


divergent personal vcard resume wordpress theme
Divergent is a single page personal Vcard Resume Portfolio CV WordPress theme. It can be utilized for your own or business portfolio. Using this unique WordPress vcard theme for your online application could set you apart from your competitors.
  • Designer: egemenerd
  • Compatible: WPML / Ecwid / WordPress 4.4

Maxx Fitness

maxx fitness responsive wordpress theme
With design and accent in details Maxx Fitness is ideal template. Design have stunning typography and elegant structure. WordPress Theme is founded on Warp 7 Framework and designed for all who desires a lightweight and modular website.
  • Compatible: WooCommerce 2.3.x / Ecwid

Maxx Fitness Responsive Joomla Template

maxx fitness responsive joomla template With unique design and accent in details Maxx Fitness is perfect template. Design have gorgeous typography and elegant structure. Joomla Template is dependant on Warp7 Framework and made for many who would like a lightweight and modular website.
  • Compatible: Joomla 3.4.x


lucian multiconcept creative html5 template
Lucian MultiConcept HTML5 Template is design which is perfect for Creative, Corporate Portfolio. The design is very elegant and contemporary, and also super easy to customize. 50 HTML5 files included. If you like my theme. Please rate it 5 movie stars. Its very helpful for me.


scoolcourse multipurpose educational template
sCoolCourse Educational class Course Joomla Template is powerful multipurpose template that will help one to build virtually college, course, university and any educational web site, corporate websites and whatever your mind can dream up
  • Compatible: Joomla 3.4.x


asana sport and yoga wordpress theme
Asana is a clean, flat and contemporary WordPress theme suitable for just about any sport and dance studios, gyms, wellness clubs, event agencies and more. Asana is designed in line with the latest styles, fresh colors are utilized. The theme is made for complete size screen.
  • Designer: HighSea
  • Compatible: WPML / WooCommerce 2.4.x / WooCommerce 2.3.x / Ecwid / WordPress 4.4.1


caerus multipurpose muse ecommerce template
Caerus A Multipurpose Adobe Muse e-commerce Template developed by specialists featuring 23 unique pages, 3 various re payment merchants, slider compositions, muse lightboxes, newsletter signup, embeded video content, a media gallery and many other things. You can use this template for almost any function. a wrist watch shop, footwear store, suit shop, electricals shop, mobile shop, jewlery shop, tshirt shop, mens shop, womens shop, luxury store, designer store so a great deal more..


melleh clean ecwid and virtuemart template
Melleh is simple, modern and impresive joomla template. its ready and optimized to suit for just about any types of shop demographics. This template will also provide outstanding portfolio choice to use and its very powerful for the bussines.
  • Designer: maskeenan
  • Compatible: VirtueMart 3.0.x / VirtueMart 2.9.x / Bootstrap 3.x / T3


intensy multipurpose joomla template
INTENSY is perfectly scalable, super performance and SEO optimized, responsive, multipurpose Joomla template. It’s going to fit every site big or tiny. From huge business portals to studio or personal internet sites.
  • Designer: bdthemes
  • Compatible: Joomla 3.4.x / Joomla 3.3.x / Joomla 3.2.x / Joomla 3.1.x / Joomla 3.0.3 / Joomla 3.0.2

Gym Fitness Yoga

gym fitness yoga maniva wordpress theme
Gym Fitness Yoga Maniva WordPress Theme Gym Fitness Yoga is an associate of Maniva WordPress Theme Family for gymnasium physical fitness club or fitness centre and fitness trainers It supports Bootstrap, your theme will adjust automatically to the screen size regarding the device and display most of the content in an intuitive and simple method.
  • Compatible: WPML / Visual Composer 4.7.4 / Ecwid / Bootstrap 3.x

Cube Responsive Multipurpose One Web Page Theme

cube responsive multipurpose one page theme
Cube is today’s Multipurpose Parallax One web page WordPress Theme. This theme is Suited for business, item, ecommerce or individual weblog. The Landing Page is made with modern appear and feel while maintaining at heart user-friendly program.
  • Designer: dasinfomedia
  • Compatible: WPML / WooCommerce 2.2.x / bbPress 2.5.x / Easy Digital Downloads 2.0.x / Visual Composer 4.7.4 / Ecwid / Bootstrap 3.x


skywell multipurpose adobe muse template
Skywell Multipurpose Muse template is the Ultimate Tool to create any website you can imagine. It provides all parts and pages which you yourself can combine to build a huge number of different sites. And if all included elements arent sufficient, Skywell includes extra page with Extra Elements which has loads of additional custom created sections.


coolthing multipurpose wordpress theme
Coolthing MultiPurpose WordPress Theme Intro Coolthing is a multipurpose responsive wordpress theme, powered by famous redux framework, ready to go with WooCommerce ecommerce platform.
  • Designer: kamleshyadav
  • Compatible: WPML / WooCommerce 2.3.x / Visual Composer 4.7.4 / Ecwid / Bootstrap 3.x

The Appearance

 the appearance clean, responsive woocommerce theme The appearance Clean, Profesional Responsive WooCommerce Theme for On Line Fashion Shop. It comes with a lot of great benefits that could simply take you months to produce. It is completely responsive, it looks stunning on all types of screens and products.
  • Compatible: WooCommerce 2.4.x / WooCommerce 2.3.x / WooCommerce 2.2.x / Ecwid / Bootstrap 3.x


velo bicycle store responsive business theme
  • Compatible: WPML / WooCommerce 2.4.x / Visual Composer 4.8.x / Ecwid


quirty single product muse ecommerce template
Quirty Single Product Muse eCommerce Template offering you a fast and simple way to display your latest product to your market. Our eCommerce template for adobe muse takes only minutes to setup with any payment vendor. Weve set this template up with PayPal, Gumroad and Ecwid.


bowl responsive bowling center wordpress theme
BOWL is a WordPress theme created specifically for bowling centers bowling alleys . It can be used by billard centers, activity centers, restaurants, cafes, bars etc. It may be also utilized as a multi purpose WordPress Theme.
  • Designer: egemenerd
  • Compatible: WPML / Ecwid / WordPress 4.4


velo bicycle store responsive virtuemart template
VELO is a sensational Joomla template particularly designed for selling bicycles. But please do not let the name Velo Bicycle restriction you, this template can also be perfect for fashion, watches, jewelry and many more. Velo is 100 responsive and retinaready HTML5 with Bootstrap system layout.
  • Compatible: VirtueMart 3.0.x


oriel responsive interior design wordpress theme
ORIEL is business WordPress theme created specifically for interior design, interior decoration, architecture, remodeling, renovation, engineering organizations. It can be additionally utilized as a multi purpose WordPress Theme.
  • Designer: egemenerd
  • Compatible: WPML / Ecwid / WordPress 4.4

Vilan Corporate

vilan corporate, shop forum wordpress theme
  • Designer: disgogo
  • Compatible: WPML / WooCommerce 2.2.x / bbPress 2.5.x / Visual Composer 4.7.4 / Ecwid / Bootstrap 3.x


travelia travel package html5 template
  • Designer: iwthemes
  • Compatible:


revolution parallax multipurpose muse template
Revolution is a specialist Adobe Muse Multipurpose Template with Clean and Modern design and a huge selection of custom features and pages.

eCommerce WordPress Theme

ecommerce wordpress theme adot
e-commerce WordPress theme adot is a clean, contemporary, user-friendly, responsive and very customizable WordPress Theme.
  • Designer: ThimPress
  • Compatible: WPML / WooCommerce 2.3.x / Ecwid / Bootstrap 3.x

Unika Responsive Material Design WordPress Theme

unika responsive material design wordpress theme
Unika is a good and super versatile Material Design Onepage WP theme for all sort of business. Its based on clean semantic Html5 and Css3 code. This template include awesome features, such as css animations, video background, unique navigation, parallax parts, etc.
  • Compatible: WPML / Visual Composer 4.7.4 / Visual Composer 4.8.x / Ecwid / Bootstrap 3.x


umeed charity wordpress multipurpose theme
Umeed WordPress Multipurpose Charity Theme Crowd Funding Donations Manager Team Volunteer Management Umeed is beautiful design and minimal style. Umeed wordpress theme suitable for charity, nonprofit and investment raising organization and its a total solution for nonprofit and fund raising organization, responsive layout, html5 validated and well commented code.
  • Compatible: WPML / BuddyPress 2.3.x / WooCommerce 2.4.x / WooCommerce 2.3.x / bbPress 2.5.x / Gravity Forms 1.8.x / Visual Composer 4.7.4 / Ecwid / Bootstrap 3.x


tilia responsive email template
  • Compatible: MailChimp / Campaign Monitor / StampReady / Layered PNG / Ecwid CSS Files / HTML Files / CSS data


trend responsive woocommerce wordpress theme
  • Compatible: WPML / WooCommerce 2.4.x / Visual Composer 4.7.4 / Visual Composer 4.8.x / Ecwid / Bootstrap 3.x


vets veterinary medical health clinic wp theme
VETS is responsive WordPress theme for veterinary, health insurance and medical internet sites. It is a very suitable wordpress theme for veterinarians, veterinary clinics, doctors, hospitals, wellness clinics, dentists, surgeons along with other form of health insurance and medical related clinics.
  • Designer: egemenerd
  • Compatible: WPML / Ecwid / WordPress 4.4


revision elegant product design html theme
Modification is a new contemporary and stylish blogmagazine theme with e commerce and moneymaking functions and based on google product design framework with awesome buttons, transitions and scripts.
  • Designer: sizam
  • Compatible:

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